PAY NOW™ AND Save up to 35% off Avis rentals

Washington Farm Bureau members can save up to 35 percent off Avis base rates with PAY NOW* for max savings with Avis Worldwide Discount (AWD) number A298847.


Washington Farm Bureau members can save up to 35 percent off Avis base rates with PAY NOW* for max savings with Avis Worldwide Discount (AWD) number A298847. In addition, enjoy additional offers** like dollars off, a complimentary upgrade, or a free weekend day. Visit www.Avis.com/WAFB or call 1‑800-331-1212 to make a reservation.


Avis Car Rental operates one of the world's best-known car rental brands with approximately 5,450 locations in more than 165 countries. 


If you have member benefit questions, please call 360-357-9975.


*Discount rates may vary between 10 and 35 percent, depending on time of year, availability, selection of PAY NOW™, and other factors. 

**Farm Bureau discount may NOT be stacked with other AWD corporate or membership discounts.

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