Washington Farm Bureau Annual Meeting: Early Bird Registration closes November 4! Visit our Annual Meeting website to register & learn more!

The WFB PAC is a powerful proactive tool to support candidates who have a proven track record as ag-friendly and have a similar vision for a strong agricultural presence in Washington State.

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2024 General Election PAC Endorsements  Icon: PDF


The WFB PAC focuses on races for the state Legislature and statewide offices. The criterion for support is a willingness to support Farm Bureau Policy and our priority issues. Political affiliation with a particular party is not required. 

The purpose of the PAC is to expand, promote, and complement the activities of Washington Farm Bureau and its members.

We work across aisles, parties, and affiliations to protect and promote agriculture and rural values. Relationships with legislators are key. Your generous contribution will help us cultivate and maintain those relationships and help advance our work at the Capitol.

To be successful, we need the support and involvement of Washington Farm Bureau members like you who believe lawmakers must preserve Washington’s agricultural heritage by:

  • Decrease burdensome regulations, taxes, and fees.
  • Mitigate agricultural labor cost increases, including overtime.
  • Protect access and promote expansion to an affordable agricultural water supply
  • Support voluntary conservation efforts rather than proscriptive buffer regulations.
  • Reduce transportation costs from farm to table.


The WFB PAC endorses candidates for office based on recommendations from our County Farm Bureau Candidate Evaluation Committees. The WFB PAC Board of Trustees meets to consider recommendations from these county committees and votes to endorse candidates who share our philosophy and basic principles, including support for agriculture.


If you are interested, you can donate financially to the WFB PAC. Through your donation, Washington Farm Bureau has the ability to support ag-friendly candidates by giving to their campaign and helping amplify their position. It’s an investment that pays dividends in return. 

If you would like to contribute, you can do so by donating online or you can mail a check.


Checks can be made payable to: Washington Farm Bureau Political Action Committee



Washington Farm Bureau PAC

PO Box 6308

Olympia, WA 98507


Donate online: Washington Farm Bureau Political Action Committee


If you have any questions, please email us at: PAC@wsfb.com.

Take a stand and let your voice be heard by engaging and supporting the Washington Farm Bureau PAC. Join the effort as we work for the success of all agriculture in Washington State!

Contribute Now!Icon: External link
2024 General Election PAC Endorsements  Icon: PDF
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