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Washington Farm Bureau Reflects on the 2024 Legislative Session with an Eye Looking Ahead


Thursday, March 7, marked the final day of the 2024 Legislative Session. Washington Farm Bureau (WFB) worked tirelessly throughout the session to help shape legislation that would impact agriculture within Washington. As the session concluded, key WFB leaders provided their perspective. 

Bridget Coon, WFB 1st Vice-President of Legislative Affairs, issued the following remarks: 

“Each session comes with unique challenges and opportunities. We made the most of this short session building upon relationships we’ve established to create better results for agriculture. We also brought our grassroots leaders back to the Capitol in a big way with our Boots on the Hill event. It’s important that legislators meet and get to know our members and our issues directly. 

“The WFB Governmental Affairs team’s work to inform government of their impact on agriculture is never done. Our focus now shifts to engaging in the rulemaking process.”

Bre Elsey, WFB Director of Governmental Affairs, reflected on the work accomplished over the past 60 days. Elsey stated: 

“Over 1,800 bills were introduced in what was a furiously paced legislation session. With the help of supportive legislators and Farm Bureau members, we were able to successfully push back on a significant amount of the most damaging policies for agriculture, such as unemployment insurance for striking workers, truck idling prohibition, and dredge and fill regulation and fees. 

“More importantly, Farm Bureau members were more active than ever, and by taking time to share their stories, they made a profound difference in encouraging the legislature to pass various policies that had a positive impact on farms and ranches, such as elk and deer damage account increases, reimbursements for carbon price paid on agriculture fuel under the Climate Commitment Act, as well as a modest amount to cover agriculture overtime costs for certain producers. 

“While these 60 days went by fast, we must also remember that policy itself is a marathon, not a sprint. We can take this progress and move to the next round knowing that important conversations have started, and positive steps can continue, especially when we utilize the power of Farm Bureau to organize, strategize, and implement our common goals.”

Looking to the interim and the months ahead, WFB President, Rosella Mosby, stated: 

“At the close of this legislative session, we've celebrated victories for farmers and ranchers in Washington State yet acknowledged setbacks. As we reflect, let us remember how our vote shapes the future of agriculture production. In this critical election year, may our choices be informed by the commitment to those who provide sustenance for our communities. This year revealed true friends. Let us carry that awareness to the ballot box."

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